Pictures of Thailand

A few more pictures of the sights and food of Thailand:

The Grand Palace in Bangkok

Huts were monks live in Chiang Mai 

Elephants in Chiang Mai 

Phang Nga Bay


Decorations at the Grand Palace in Bangkok 

Street meat

Male Elephant at Patara Elephant Park 

Rice paddies in Chiang Mai 

Chiang Mai sausage 

Temple hidden in the jingle

Large standing Buddha in Bangkok 

Seafood platter in Phuket 

Statue in Chiang Mai 

Painting in Bangkok 

Spring rolls 

Wat at night

Statues in Chiang Mai

Flowers by the side of a Wat in Chiang Mai

Kata Yai Beach at sunrise in Phuket 

Trying to get a selfie with a baby Elephant

The Grand Palace


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